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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 1 / 2011  

Authors:  VALER BEL.
  Abstract:  By creating man as a personal and complementary duality, God put inside him the vocation, the capacity and the responsibility for communion. In order to be a perfect union, marriage involves perfect love. Marriage and the Christian family do not rely solely on love between man and woman, but also on the communion between God and the humanity He loves, a communion which needs to be reflected in the family life. If through the Holy Sacrament of Baptizing man gets into a tight relationship with God, through the marriage sacrament he enters a close relationship with another human being. As each of the other seven sacraments, the Wedding is an actualization of the redemption, in its own specific manner. The man and woman participate together in the mystery of redemption, as husband and wife.

Key words: family life, Christian family, marriage sacrament, true love, responsabilty 

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